The tune for the Christmas and New Year hymn “O Rejoice, Ye Christians Loudly” comes from an infectiously joyous motet by Andreas Hammerschmidt (see video below). In his motet he places exclamations of “Alleluia!” before and after the stanzas of the poem by Christian Keimann (1607-62). Bach concluded Cantata 40 for The Second Sunday of Christmas with a stirring setting of Stanza 4 of this chorale (see link at bottom of page). To see the melody of this hymn with an English translation of the text, click here.
May we all join in singing a joyous “Alleluia!” in the New Year!
“Alleluja! Freuet euch ihr Christen alle” – Andreas Hammerschmidt (c. 1611-75)
8. Chorale: “Jesu, nimm dich deiner Glieder,” Cantata 40 – J. S. Bach (1685-1750)