Tag Archives: Eternal Song

Youth Music Sunday at Trinity

One of the best ways to pass our faith along is to involve children in the ministry of the church, and one of the best ways to do that is to involve children in the proclamation of the Music Ministry as much as possible. This Sunday morning at Trinity could be called Youth Music Sunday because close to… Read More »

A Treasure to Cherish, Nurture, and Share

When we are given a great treasure, we are also given great responsibility. Whether the treasure we receive is of an earthly or of a heavenly nature, it always comes with a responsibility to first cherish the gift and thank the giver; to then protect, grow, and nurture the gift; and then finally to share the gift with… Read More »

The Eternal Song

Contrary to what Bill Nye the Science Guy says, when we die, it’s NOT over. In the Book of Revelation, St. John tells us many times of an Eternal Song that is being sung continually by the Saints and Angels. It is a song of redemption that extends all the way back to Moses: “And they sing the… Read More »

Choral Music Provides “Epic!” Expressions of the Faith

A few Sundays ago, I had the privilege of singing three settings of the Te Deum – that great text of proclamation, praise, and thanksgiving – with the Bradley Community Chorale accompanied by the Bradley Orchestra. What a great experience and great opportunity to enter deeply into that great text of Christendom and into the minds of three… Read More »

A Singing Faith

We find from the Bible that ours is a singing faith. The people of God are ALWAYS singing: From the shores of the Red Sea to the shores of the Promised Land; from the Book of Exodus to the last chapter of Revelation. And then there are the many songs in the Book of Psalms and all the… Read More »

What’s So Great About Choral Music Anyway? – Part 2

Upon reading 1 Chronicles 23-25, many people do not realize that the establishment and organization of the worship and music of the tabernacle and temple was not done so at the whim of King David, but rather because it had been ordained and instituted by God. In his book The Lord’s Song: The Basis, Function and Significance of Choral… Read More »

What’s So Great About Choral Music Anyway? – Part 1

I woke up this morning with Allen Pote’s “A Song of Promise” running through my brain (we rehearsed it for good 30 minutes at our choir rehearsal last night). It is an interesting and effective setting of a passage from the book of Isaiah. And then I realized that one of the unique things about a choir rehearsing… Read More »

“Welcome” to Jubal’s Lyre!

Jubal’s Lyre is my personal blog plus a way for me share my music with everyone on my own timetable. A lot of it is still on my computer. In time I hope to share most of it with you. Please contact me if you have any questions. Soli Deo Gloria! Jubal’s Lyre Music Shop for music by… Read More »