Category Archives: Blog Posts

Celebrating 300 Years of Bach in Leipzig

300 years ago today (April 22) the Leipzig Town Council unanimously selected Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) to become the 17th Thomaskantor and the world of sacred music has never been the same. This appointment sparked a period of unparalleled creative activity that left the world with some of the most meaningful, sublime, and joyful music ever composed. Below… Read More »

Happy 338th Birthday to J. S. Bach!

Today on March 21, 2023 we celebrate the 338th birthday of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). Among other things he has been called “The Fifth Evangelist.” What does that mean? Of course, the Four Evangelists are the disciples of Jesus who wrote the Gospels, the first four books of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Bach has… Read More »

Why Study Music?

A couple of months ago my wife came across a meme on Facebook entitled “Reasons to Study Music.” With compelling graphics, it offered six to eight benefits that studying music provides. I’ve seen similar lists before, but all are derived from a secular viewpoint. I was led to come up with a list that also provides a Biblical… Read More »

The Theological Basis of Music

Below is a brief statement providing the theological basis for music. I have begun to place it in concert programs and read it before concerts, even children’s recitals. It is never too early to educate children about God’s gift of music. It gives them a purpose and a reason for practicing and learning their instrument. Music ministries in… Read More »

“Wolcum Yole”: A Carol for the Seasons of Christmas and Epiphany

On this, the Twelfth Day of Christmas, I thought you might enjoy the carol “Welcome Yole!” It is one of the few that mentions the Twelve Days of Christmas and its Feast Days specifically. The text is relatively simple enjoining us to celebrate Christmas, its Feast Days, and the New Year together. The most well-known setting is the… Read More »

“Silent Night” – A New Metrical Translation of All Six Stanzas for Both the Original and the Modern Melodies

A new metrical translation of all six stanzas of “Silent Night” in their original order that can be sung to either the original melody or the melody commonly sung today. The translation better reflects the meaning of the original text, but also has the exact same meter in each stanza so that it can be sung easily to both melodies.

Christmas and the Spectacular Music of Michael Praetorius

In 1994 Paul McCreesh and the Gabrieli Consort released an absolutely stunning recording of sacred music. In the previous years they had released three recordings: These recordings created quite a stir among musical circles with their magnificent music, exciting and immaculate performances, and their new approach to presenting early music: placing it within its original context rather than… Read More »

“Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” and the Advent Season

“Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” is one of most popular musical works of all time. However, what are its origins? Interestingly, it has a connection to the Church Year and the Season of Advent. Let’s begin in the little village of Nazareth in the region of Galilee around the year 1 AD.

Robin Leaver on “The Eternal Song”

In 1984 the eminent scholar Robin Leaver, whose work has focused extensively on sacred music, published a monograph of the Passions of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). On the first page of this monograph he provides succinct and profound insights into the Biblical theology of music. For your convenience, I provide them below with links so that you can… Read More »

Handel’s “Messiah” for Children

A Blessed Easter to all of you! Children love picture books. Now it is possible to introduce children to Handel’s Messiah, one of sacred music’s most beloved and frequently performed works. In so doing, you will not only introduce them to a great piece of music, but also teach them the Biblical story of salvation (see my previous… Read More »